Tessa makes 3!

The adventures of a young couple starting a family, teaching each other and learning as we go, and having fun doing it!

December 11, 2010

Graduation Day!

That's right, Tessa's graduating. To a real carseat.
A very expensive, dust collecting thus far, carseat.

We have been doing some homemade tests to see if she's ready. First, we put her in her carseat in the dining room and let her lay in there for about an hour. We wanted to make sure her apnea monitor didn't go off, and luckily it didn't. Then, we put her in the swing for a while to see how she did in that, since they have similar angles. She loves her swing, which is great because now I can maybe get something done. Tessa did great in the swing as well. So, we took her on a short trip to the post office and to the P.D. to see how she did actually riding in the car. No alarms!

The true test came when we went to Des Moines last week, since this would be an hour trip.   We decided I should sit in the back just to see how she'd do, since she had never been in that position for long and we weren't sure how she would react. She did great, although she doesn't sleep in it. She looked out the window and played with her rings.

So, since there were no alarms on the apnea monitor, we have officially graduated to the real carseat We will be returning the stupid carseat bed to the hospital next week. I'm not even going to clean it first. I'm rebellious like that. I want it out of my house and out of our lives! No more this:

 We are now in the big girl seat! If you look closely in this picture, you can see how she really feels about things.

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